
Dangerous websites Warning List

We continuously provide a list of dangerous websites (the Warning List, the List). We maintain it 24 hours a day, 7 days per week and update with all domains.

Norton reveals 100 most dangerous websites

Dangerous websites list · Ucoz. com · 17ebook. co · sapo .pt · aladel. net · bpwhamburgorchardpark. org · clicnews. com · Amazonaws .com · dfwdiesel. net ...

CN-Malicious-website-list 中国互联网恶意网站列表

“恶意网站”评判标准 · 1、与知名网站存在域名、功能、样式、外观、图标、名称之一相似,且易导致混淆的 · 2、存在钓鱼行为、恶意窃取用户隐私的 · 3、存在恶意跳转行为的

The-Big-List-of-Hacked-Malware-Web-Sites.dev-tools_ ...

This repository contains a list of all web sites I come across that are either hacked with or purposefully hosting malware, ransomware, viruses or trojans.

Top 100 virus-infected websites named - AlienVault OTX

The 100 websites most affected by viruses each have about 18,000 nasties to attack net users' computers, an internet security company says.

6 Types of Malicious Websites and How to Protect Your Users

Common Types of Malicious Websites · 1. Phishing and Spoofing Websites · 2. Malware Distribution Sites · 3. Cryptojacking Websites · 4. Scareware or Rogue Software ...

Malicious URLs dataset

we have collected a huge dataset of 651,191 URLs, out of which 428103 benign or safe URLs, 96457 defacement URLs, 94111 phishing URLs, and 32520 malware URLs.

A list of malicious websites : rsysadmin

Hey there I'm looking for a recent list or a source for a list for malicious websites to test my snort config, I found some lists on google ...

Malicious URL - Threat Encyclopedia

Malicious URL: http://gaup.{BLOCKED}of.com DOMAIN: goalgoof.com CATEGORY: Read more http://{BLOCKED}e.ru/stats/00/counter/{hex}/{hex} DOMAIN: CATEGORY: Disease

A Look at the Top Blocked Websites

Google Safe Browsing is the most popular security blacklist in use. It is leveraged by Firefox, Safari and Google Chrome.


Wecontinuouslyprovidealistofdangerouswebsites(theWarningList,theList).Wemaintainit24hoursaday,7daysperweekandupdatewithalldomains.,Dangerouswebsiteslist·Ucoz.com·17ebook.co·sapo.pt·aladel.net·bpwhamburgorchardpark.org·clicnews.com·Amazonaws.com·dfwdiesel.net ...,“恶意网站”评判标准·1、与知名网站存在域名、功能、样式、外观、图标、名称之一相似,且易导致混淆的·2、存在钓鱼行为、恶意窃取用户隐私的·3...